In anticipation of the new Peanuts cartoon It’s the Small Things, Charlie Brown being released on April 22, 2022, Ben Folds released his joyful theme song of the same title for the special. Folds shared the song just one week before the special’s premiere, which will be on Apple TV+. The special will premiere with another special from 1976, It’s Arbor Day, Charlie Brown.
Those interested can listen to the song and watch the trailer here:
The new special’s story will follow the Peanuts crew as their baseball games are put on hold because of a dandelion that has sprouted on the mound, right where they would otherwise be playing. Sally Brown leads the charge to protect the dandelion and sings Folds’ song in the trailer, going so far as identifying with the lone flower in the following line: “Can’t you see yourself right there?/That’s you alone, you’re a lonely flower.”
Folds is currently in the early days of his U.S. tour “In Actual Person Live For Real Tour” and released the song while in North Carolina for a show.
In the song, Folds aims to highlight the power “small things like us” have and how they/we can change the world. This all plays into themes inspired by Earth Day, which encourage audiences to do everything they can to help the state of the planet. Folds emphasizes the power of collective effort to better the world in the song, especially with lines like “We come together to make big things” and “It’s not just one, it’s everyone.” Folds uses more imagery but makes the same point with lines like “Little droplets make big clouds” and “Lots and lots of the tiniest dots can make shapes.”
In the trailer, the community eventually joins Charlie and Sally Brown and gang to (presumably) celebrate the dandelion. Celebrating and protecting the planet are thus displayed as actions that bring people together rather than tearing them apart. The cartoon and the song work to teach their audience about the power of individuality, unity, kindness and consideration.
In giving a voice to “the bravest flower/Too small to hear without/Some perspective,” Folds and the team behind the new Peanuts special celebrate Earth Day and encourage audiences to pay more mind and gratitude to the world we live in.
Photo Credit: Sharon Alagna