System of a Down drummer John Dolmayan has been vocal about his support for U.S. President Donald Trump for most of the year, while openly lambasting Trump’s critics and progressive policies. He called the Democratic Party bigots in June, and attacked the legitimacy of the Black Lives Matter movement, by calling it a “Democratic Party fundraiser.”
His latest Instagram post has harped on these past statements, calling out what he calls “elites,” while railing against the “win by any means necessary” attitude of those who criticize Trump. He called Democratic nominee Joe Biden “a weak candidate at best , while apparently criticizing the current situation affecting the U.S. Post Service. This statement was made on a post with an image of a plastic gold ring stating “cheat to win.”
“You’ll be seeing and hearing a lot about the US PS in the coming weeks , hearing from people in high places ,many of which couldn’t tell you what the inside of a post office looks like,” Dolmayan stated. “There is a battle going on , Biden is a weak candidate at best and for those who despise Donald Trump getting him out of office by any means necessary is far more important then our electoral process.”
He also went on to call for the “defunding” of the media, which he stated were “crippling all of us with sensationalistic fear mongering.” His previous condemnations of the media echoed these statements, as he criticized Black Lives Matter as a “propaganda tool,” while railing against “Hollywood elites.”
Read the full statement below:
“To win by any means necessary. Fraud , murder , extortion , race baiting , dividing the people , distorting facts , angling , lying , inciting violence , erasing history , attacking religious beliefs and much much more . It’s all worth it if we win, the mantra of the power brokers .
You’ll be seeing and hearing a lot about the US PS in the coming weeks , hearing from people in high places ,many of which couldn’t tell you what the inside of a post office looks like. There is a battle going on , Biden is a weak candidate at best and for those who despise Donald Trump getting him out of office by any means necessary is far more important then our electoral process.
There are those on both sides who would burn this country to the ground if they can’t have it in their image , don’t be one of them. If you don’t like the president or anyone else in power vote with your convictions. If a candidate you don’t like wins accept that and hope for the best for this country.
We must hold our leaders accountable, we must have a third party , and we must stop the destruction and civil war of thought and deed . Lastly we must defund the media that is crippling all of us with sensationalistic fear mongering , they are owned and operated by the same elites many of you are trying so desperately to condemn be leaders not followers , and set an example for the next generation because they are watching you and learning from you , teach them to be of high moral character”
Photo Credit: Mauricio Alavarado