Death Cab for Cutie recently revealed a stream of “You Are a Tourist,” the first single from their upcoming full-length, Codes and Keys.
Codes and Keys, Death Cab’s seventh full-length release, is reportedly a departure from their earlier sound, although bassist Nick Harmer claims these reports are exaggerated. A recent progress report from the band reveals that the album will have a more cut-and-paste type of feel to it and will also incorporate more composition from guitarist Chris Walla.
Harmer ended his report by saying that the album and the music the band is making right now is “a really awesome expression of who we are as a band and as human beings.” Hammer’s full progress report can be found here, but check out the newly released single, ‘You Are A Tourist’ below:
The band also recently announced that they will be streaming the recording of a video for “You Are A Tourist” over at the album’s website on April 5 at 7:00 PM (EST). Reports indicate that that stream will serve as the world’s first live, single-take music video.
Additional reporting by Nick Vadala.