Upbeat and Cohesive
We Were Promised Jetpacks released their fourth studio album, The More I Sleep The Less I Dream, and it is packed with plenty of great content throughout. The album has somewhat of a slow start as the first track, “Impossible” starts, but as the sound slowly builds itself up, it is clear that the listener is in for a treat.
On the flip side, the second track, “In Light,” gets off to an upbeat start right away. The guitar work and slight tempo changes are the true shining stars for this specific track. Together, the elements compose a complex track that is exciting to hear as a listener. Some of the dramatics featured as the track goes on are reminiscent of some of Manchester Orchestra’s previous work.
“Make It Easier” continues the more upbeat, in-your-face energy going right off the bat. As the song picks up in a more dramatic sense toward the chorus, the sound starts to shift to something that feels a little like The Mars Volta, just a little toned down, which fits We Were Promised Jetpacks perfectly. The high energy of this track doesn’t seem to fade until the very last second, which is what makes this a stand-out track on the album.
The next track on the album, “Improbable,” takes what might seem like an abrupt, chill turn, but in reality, it fits perfectly. Lyrically, there isn’t much to talk about because it is more of an instrumental track. However, the instrumentals of this particular track are beautiful and provide the listener the chance to just chill and listen to what We Were Promised Jetpacks created.
Two tracks later the high energy is back, but this time with a slight tweak to it. It is the same great upbeat energy that was brought to many of the tracks prior to “Repeating Patterns,” but in addition, it has some slightly different characteristics, like the distorted and echoey sounds that are found throughout. These aid in creating yet another track that is sure to keep the attention of any listener, whether they be an established fan or a first-time listener.
The final track on the album, which is the title track, takes everything good that was mentioned above and puts it together into one cohesive song. Overall, it is easy to say that “cohesive” is a great way to explain this entire album. Every track has its own feel to it while still fitting perfectly into the puzzle that is The More I Sleep The Less I Dream.