Fast, angry, cohesive and forceful
Today’s culture is interesting to say the least. It is all too common to hear people discussing in hushed voices whether something they say is “politically correct” or if they are being inclusive or tolerant enough of others. If the latest release from Skeletonwitch were sentient, it would completely disregard such social norms, not to the detriment of others but more to the credit of its own identity. What the band has managed to create is yet another example of raw, unapologetic fury that challenges the status quo and is true to themselves in every capacity.
It is a refreshing sight to see extreme/death metal bands to be thriving at the level they are currently at in the music industry, the reasons why are numerous but there is no reason to list them when the music alone can speak for itself. Eight tracks, 46 minutes and a flurry of explosiveness and volatility pretty much sums up what to expect from the band’s latest endeavor Devouring Radiant Light.
Songs such as “Temple of the Sun” and “Sacred Soil” really stand out in this regard, the energy level is incredibly high throughout both tracks and the rhythm is supported by the nearly inhuman vocal style of Adam Clemans (Veil of Maya, Wolvhammer). The guitars throughout the album play off each other incredibly well. At no point is there a “tug of war” between the two guitarists fighting for their spot at the forefront. The use of harmonies and the cohesion between rhythm and lead parts are done incredibly well in a way that highlights both Scott Hedrick and Nate Garnette’s incredible level of talent.
As a whole, the album features an incredible level of energy that is consistent throughout. The vocals are potent and the drum/guitar work is incredibly multi-faceted, but maintains a great sense of cohesion between each individual part. Devouring Radiant Light is fast, angry, cohesive and forceful— all of the traits consistent with a solid heavy album release.