Honestly and utterly different from Basia Bulat’s previous, country folk vision, Basia’s Place is a synthetic, uplifting collection of her newfound sound. It is very safe to say that she delivered.
According to Secret City Records, Bulat has always gravitated towards creating music that can be played live with classic instruments, yet this time around decided to experiment and create something using MIDI to convey the “same feeling.”
Setting the tone for the album, “My Angel” portrays an upbeat euphoric sound with a yearning to see the angelic side of someone “Turning it under a microscope how it seems atomic / How did I live without it.” This song is a subtle explosion of space and the unknown. “Baby” feels like the early 2000s as Bulat’s tone goes under the sonic elements. The production elements in this song are enchanting as she is being raised out of a cave, leading to a pop sound at the end of the song.
The piano number “Right Now” brings a slower element to Basia’s Place. Deep piano cuts and a string ensemble background, along with Bulat’s sorrowful voice, create a vision of her crawling her way through this song with immense emotion shown in a subtle way.
“Daylight” is a track of flattery, as she wishes that the subjects of her song could view themselves in her eyes. This song, along with the rest of the album, invites freeing, comforting visuals as the synths flow through time on each track. The bridge is elegant and inspiring, bringing “Daylight” to another sonic plane.
A soft electric guitar brings the album to a close on “Curtain Call.” This piece is a perfect closer “I used to be afraid of endings / let myself be loved again / that’s where I’ll know my life begins / that’s how I know I’m not pretending.” Bulat’s vocals bring a special tone to this closer, being able to tell this is her goodbye to Basia’s Place.
This album showcases Bulat’s range of styles. Her discovery of sound and capabilities for the future is up-and-coming as it is always nerve-racking for artists to come out with something their listeners are not used to. Basia’s Place delivered on her new vision and is a great listen from start to finish.