Grimes, the Canadian musician and producer, has shared new details about her ongoing custody battle with ex-partner Elon Musk. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Grimes revealed that she was unable to see one of their three children, X Æ A-12 (born in 2020), Exa Dark Sideræl (born in 2021 via surrogate), and Techno Mechanicus, also known as Tau (born in 2023), for a prolonged period.
“I didn’t see one of my babies for five months,” Grimes said.
The couple first announced their split in 2021 after three years together, emphasizing they remained on good terms. However, Grimes’ recent statement highlights the challenges of co-parenting with the billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla.
In her emotional post, Grimes reflected on the strain the custody dispute has placed on her life and the emotional toll that separating from Musk took, whom she called the “love of my life,” and hinted at the imbalance of power and resources between them.
“Having babies rips you apart and puts you back together,” Grimes said.” Babies are 10 thousand philosophy classes of shit [that] you can only learn from that experience. Spent a year locked in battle in a state with terrible mothers rights, having my Instagram posts and modelling used as reasons I shouldn’t have my kids.”
“Fighting and detaching from the love of my life as he becomes unrecognisable to me, with a fraction of his resources (or iq/ strategy experience), all the while I didn’t see one of my babies for five months. And this is only what can be said publicly, since most of my experience these last years should remain behind closed doors.”
Musk has not publicly responded to Grimes’ claims.
However, this isn’t the first time their custody battle has come to light. In 2023, Grimes reportedly filed a lawsuit for custody rights of their youngest child, Tau. At the time, she tweeted, “Tell Elon to let me see my son or plz respond to my lawyer,” though the tweet was later deleted.
Revisit our article here for more on Grimes’ and Musks’ separation.
Photo credit: Owen Ela
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