L.S. Dunes Share Aesthetic Video For New Single “Fatal Deluxe”

Photo credit: Vivianne Navarrete

L.S Dunes has released a new single that is nothing short of astonishing, titled, “Fatal Deluxe.” The new release has a different tone than what fans may have heard previously but that is what makes it so much more special. It seems the band is ready to begin creating fresh music with a clean slate while also enjoying the music they have made in the past. Guitarist, Frank Lero describes the song as “…an opening of chapter two for L.S Dunes.”

The music video takes place on a farm setting with numerous animals roaming around. More than half of the video is in black and white until the end where Anthony Green raises both of his hands and the video becomes colorful. The more you watch the more you feel like you want one of the bandmates to be your cool uncle that picks you up from school blasting heavy metal. The video ends with a lovely cinematic shot of Anthony Green laying in a field. These shots are similar to the bands cinematic video for “Old Wounds (Demo)”. The “Old Wounds” video features some clips in black and white while still maintaining that dark and mysteriousness they have.

The song itself begins with beautifully clean scream. Talk about staring off with a bang!  The lyrics of the song have an edgy and grunge feel as words like “burn”, “worship”, “ghost” and “grave” are sung. Vocalist, Anthony Green, compliments the instrumental aspects of the music with his screams and occasional soft singing. The sounds of distorted guitar, booming bass, and thunderous drums echoed throughout my own speaker as I played this masterpiece called “Fatal Deluxe”.

Juliet Paiz: I am a sophomore at the University of California, Riverside. I am an English major who enjoys the beauty of writing. Outside of school and writing you can either find me working or wrestling.
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