Hinds Team Up With Fontaines D.C’s Grian Chatten For New Single “Stranger”


Madrid-based indie rock duo Hinds, featuring Carlotta Cosials and Ana Perrote, has teamed up with Fontaines D.C.’s Grian Chatten for their latest single, “Stranger.” The track is released alongside their much-anticipated album VIVA HINDS

“Stranger” stands out as one of the heaviest tracks on the album, addressing the weight of existence and the unsettling feeling of not recognizing oneself. Grian Chatten’s deep, brooding vocals perfectly complement Hinds’s soft energy, resulting in a track full of melancholy. The repetitive guitar riffs that dominate the track bring the familiar indie touch that Hinds is best known for, adding an infectious rhythm that contrasts with the song’s deeper lyrics. The lyrics “I’m a stranger to myself” perfectly encapsulate the theme the song is trying to convey. 

In discussing the collaboration, Hinds shared their long-standing admiration for Fontaines D.C., stating, “ Grian is a good old friend. We met in Dublin when we played together in one of their first shows as Fontaines. We have so much love and admiration between bands, and they all have been such a big support for us in the last few years. ‘Stranger’ contains the toughest theme we sing about in VIVA HINDS—feeling the heaviness of existence and not recognizing your own self. Fontaines D.C. taught us to embrace that darkness.”

Listen to Hinds’ newest release “Stranger” featuring Grian Chatten here: 

Just this month, Hinds shared a new single with a video accompaniment, “The Bed, The Room, The Rain and You”, which we covered here. Be sure to also check out our previous stories on the duo here.

Minnie Dao: Hello! My name is Minnie and I am currently a journalism student at the University of California, Irvine. I have a keen interest in multi-media reporting, specifically focusing on pop culture and the music industry. Additionally, I have been a neighborhood reporting and have served on multiple communications and marketing teams. Storytelling is the aspect of journalism that most intrigues me and I love being able to brings everyday narratives to life! In the future, I hope to be a published author of non-fiction and fiction stories.
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