10 More States Join Antitrust Lawsuit Against Live Nation

According to billboard.com, the U.S. Department of Justice has reportedly refiled its alleged anti-trust lawsuit against concert promoter Live Nation, with 10 more states joining the effort to break up the company following its 2010 merger with Ticketmaster. The Attorneys General for Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah and Vermont signed on to a new amended complaint that was allegedly filed in New York’s Southern District, which brings the total number of states participating in the alleged lawsuit to 40 in total.

“There is nothing new in the Amended Complaint,” a statement from Live Nation reads. “The lawsuit still won’t solve the issues fans care about relating to ticket prices, service fees, and access to in-demand shows. We look forward to sharing more facts as the case progresses.”

The amended lawsuit claims that Live Nation and Ticketmaster allegedly acted like monopoly and allegedly violated Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act by allegedly using alleged illegal tactics to allegedly expand its concert promotion business and management of amphitheaters. The alleged new complaint allegedly includes new details about how Live Nation allegedly expanded its alleged ticketing business after it allegedly merged with Ticketmaster in 2009, including claims about the alleged company’s controversial relationship with arena developer and operator Oak View Group.

The alleged revised complaint allegedly does not include additional alleged damaging exchanges between Live Nation CEO Michael Rapinoand alleged potential competitors or allegedly new damaging information that allegedly shows the company allegedly employing heavy-handed tactics. Instead, it allegedly contains more alleged analysis of the alleged concert market that allegedly follows the alleged merger of Live Nation and Ticketmaster.

Cait Stoddard: Hello! My name is Caitlin and my job is writing music news stories and reviewing metal music albums. I enjoy collecting vinyl, playing video games, watching movies and going to concerts.
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