Christopher Owens Of Girls Returns With First New Single In 7 Years “I Think About Heaven”

Photo Credit: Sharon Alagna

Today Christopher Owens, the singer, songwriter and former frontman for the indie rock band Girls, has shared his latest single, “I Think About Heaven.” The tune is sunny, hopeful contemplation on self-reliance, the interplay between longing and contentment. Owens work has long toyed with the tooling of religious texts and imagery, the song sees the artist pulling directly from Psalms 42 while crooning “as the hart panteth after the water brooks / in this way my soul searches for your love” over a delicate and driving acoustic guitar strum.

As the instrumental unfolds, the ditty turns into an anthem of finding the answers to life’s hardest questions within oneself. Owens sings ”I think about heaven and I smile, I think about heaven and I break into a big grin” and sounds completely at peace.


Photo Credit: Sharon Alagna

Cait Stoddard: Hello! My name is Caitlin and my job is writing music news stories and reviewing metal music albums. I enjoy collecting vinyl, playing video games, watching movies and going to concerts.
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