Internet Archive Creates Searchable MTV News Database Following Site Deletion


Internet Archive has come to the rescue of many music, and music journalism enthusiasts alike by preserving 460,575 web pages of MTV News, the new site that was shuttered in 2023 (via Stereogum

Paramount, the parent company that owns MTV along with other cable networks like Nickelodeon, went through a series of layoffs along with a restructure of their website for “streamlining” and their rebrand to Paramount+ With Showtime in 2023. In this process of downsizing and simplifying by 25% there were many casualties. MTV News along with content from Comedy Central, CMT, and TV Land were deleted from Paramount’s website. 

MTV News was originally shut down in May of 2023, surviving on the site only by their content archive, dating back to the news site’s creation in 1996, which was then deleted from the Paramount website in June of this year. Luckily this archive lives on as a searchable database through Internet Archive to continue to serve the musically and culturally curious. Though MTV News may be considered “archived” MTV itself continues to be a musical showcase with their 40th anniversary music awards happening this year. 

Sarah Faller: My name is Sarah Faller I am first generation American and originally from central valley California. I'm currently a junior at Lake Forest College studying English Literature and Sociology. I am pursuing a bachelors degree in English. After undergraduate I hope to pursue my passion in Literature in graduate school. I work as a vice president, and art curator of the student publication Tusitala at Lake Forest College.
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