X-Cops Unveil Thrilling New Video For “Kinderhardened”

Crossover thrash legends X-Cops have made their return with the release of their long-awaited EP XCAB, which according to the band promises to bring the message of “Respect authority, or else!” To make their return loud and heard, the band has released the new single off the EP “Kinderhardened”.

The new single “Kinderhardened” takes on the issue of school shootings and gun violence in a satirical and humorous description that mixes hardcore and thrash with vitriol and raw aggression. “Kinderhardened” begins with the announcement of a school shooting suspect killed in action by law enforcement. From there, they begin their diatribe on the topic. Telling the story of a six-year-old boy who shoots his teacher in the chest, then proceeds to shoot his friend in the face and continues on a shooting spree until he is faced down with other police officers resulting in his death. It continues on, discussing America’s obsession with firearms and how it continues to propagate a similar situation such as what was described in the song. The lead chorus of the song “Kinderhardened” then begins to make its statement loud and clear. The youth of the America have become hardened or numb to violence that besets their schools. What once would be considered a safe place for children, now parents and kids have to become desensitized to what is now a reoccurring problem.

The video for the song is taken from a live performance from their comeback tour. Onstage, the band is dressed in law enforcement attire and carrying prop guns that are used to convey their comedic but scathing tone of the subject.

“We got sick and tired of constantly getting calls about one school shooting after another and we knew we had to do something about it! So, we took the phone off the hook and wrote this kickass song!”  remarks X-Sheriff Tubb Tucker about the lyrical approach.

Cristian Garcia: I'm a grad student working on my master's and then my PhD in physics. When I'm not involved in music or my research, I'm out hiking, boxing, riding my bike on trails, or catching up on my reading.
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