Live Review: Seafood Sam and Soular System featuring HeyDeon at The Peppermint Club

A cosmic force! Seafood Sam and Soular System electrified The Peppermint Club in West Hollywood on June 6th. This 200-guest capacity venue’s first event since being acquired by Live Nation on June 1. 

The Peppermint Club welcomed queued guests through the doors at 7:30 p.m. Walking past a few luxurious curtains, they were greeted by a captivating ambiance of dim lights, candles, booths facing the stage and the bar conveniently centered. DJ NiceGuyxVinny was setting the mood.

The stage was designed to resemble a cozy living room-library and enabled fans to be up close to the artist. Six large speakers on stage delivered a powerful bass, prompting most attendees to dance rather than sit at the nine tables that reflected the sparkling ceilings. By 7:45 p.m. the large group of early birds were already drinking and dancing to the live music. The diverse audience, comprising young adults of various ethnicities, was upbeat and ready for an extraordinary show as red, yellow and orange overhead lights illuminated the stage for the first act.

The opening act burst onto the stage with high-energy vigor. HeyDeon, accompanied by his drummer, guitarist, bassist and pianist, shared that all his music was unreleased, making the audience the first to hear it. “Come closer to the stage,” he urged as everyone swayed to the band’s smooth jazz. HeyDeon performed four songs, clearly setting a positive tone for the night. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to open at The Peppermint Club, energizing the crowd with his enthusiasm. He then dedicated an upbeat, bass-heavy funk song to his wife, who was in the audience, singing with heartfelt emotion and engaging the crowd to sing along.

HeyDeon’s freestyle into the mic was both impressive and captivating. His third song, with the piano as the focal point, was upbeat, prompting fans to wave their hands in the air. His creative dance moves and a phenomenal bass solo sent the crowd into a frenzy. HeyDeon continued to show appreciation for his fans as he performed his final two songs, each infused with powerful energy and groovy beats. The finale, a song about cruising down PCH highway, was met with enthusiastic head-bopping and body movements from the audience.

For his last song, spotlights turned from red to blue as HeyDeon rapped about Long Beach, CA, representing his East Side roots with hand signals. The mesmerizing guitar solo concluded his performance, leaving the crowd cheering for more. As the curtain closed, an R&B playlist played, maintaining the warm, candle-lit atmosphere as more people filled the club.

Seafood Sam was greeted with loud cheers as he and Soular System took the stage, their songs blending ancestral soul with modern sensibilities. Their spiritual hymns, showcased a deep understanding of music history and a meticulous ear for detail. Sam performed all 14 tracks from his new album. Supporting Seafood Sam was Anthony Lynn, providing amazing vocal range, a talented flutist and violinist’s melodies enriched the overall richness of their sound. 

The crowd clapped along as lights transitioned from red to blue, and Anthony’s solo further elevated the atmosphere. Songs like “Cowboy Leather,” “Pearly Gates Playlist,” and “Lagonda” featured beautiful melodies from the flute, violin and piano. A heartwarming moment occurred when Sam invited a friend to sing a few lines from “Lagonda.” Each band member showcased their skills during the last song, with the flute solo drawing screams for more.

After thanking the band, Sam interacted with the crowd, fulfilling multiple song requests. When fans repeatedly shouted for “Ramsey,” Sam, joined by DJ NiceGuyxVinnie, performed several older tracks like “Attack of the Dreadlocks” and “Bygones,” which, despite their shorter length, were powerful. He then introduced his friends Red-Bag and Double S, generously giving them the stage to perform and promote their music.

Sam’s dynamic crowd work and intimate engagement with fans kept the energy high. As he performed his last song, “Ramsey,” the crowd’s excitement was palpable, concluding the night on a high note. Fans, reluctant to leave, continued to dance to the DJ’s music. Meeting Anthony Lynn and Seafood Sam after the show underscored their immense talent and great character. The Peppermint Club’s ambient atmosphere, combined with the diverse audience, created an indelible night. The future looks bright for Soular System and Seafood Sam.


Seafood Sam X Soular System

  1. Overseas Sam
  2. Cowboy Leather 
  3. Pearly Gates Playlist
  4. Lagonda
  5. Lynn’s Lullaby

Seafood Sam

  1. Attack of the Dreadlocks
  2. Bygones 
  3. Grey Seas
  4. Brownskin Cinnamon
  5. Can’t Take The Hood To Heavan
  6. Things Grandma Told Me
  7. Bullets from a Butterfly 
  8. Saylo
  9. When I Met Rose 

Fan Request:

  1. Ramsey
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