Portishead’s Adrian Utley Announces New Project 137’s Debut Album Strangeness Oscillation For July 2024 Release, Share Lead Single “First Idea Part One”

Photo Credit: Raymond Flotat

Portishead’s Adrian Utley made headlines in December 2023 for auctioning his Moog Little Phatty synthesizer, a staple from Portishead tours, with all proceeds going to MAP Medical Aid for Palestinians. Now, he’s steering his music career in a new direction with 137, his innovative jazz quartet. The incredible lineup features Larry Stabbins, Sebastian Rochford, and Jim Barr. Their new album Strangeness Oscillation comes out July 31st, and the anticipation is already building with the release of their lead single, “First Idea Part One.”

“First Idea Part One” captures the band’s genre-bending approach, blending elements of grunge and jazz. The track seamlessly fuses the raw, gritty edge of grunge with the improvisational depth of jazz. It opens with a haunting guitar riff, building layers of sound that are both intense and melodic. Stabbins’ saxophone adds a complex, soulful dimension, while Rochford’s drumming and Barr’s bass anchors the song’s eclectic soundscape.

According to BrooklynVegan, the band gave the inside scoop on their album Strangeness Oscillation saying, “After ten years at sea, the first thing Larry Stabbins did when he hit dry land was to call Adrian Utley and Jim Barr – within days they were in the studio with Sebastian Rochford. The resulting debut album Strangeness Oscillation is a collection of completely improvised recordings that captures the ferocity and fragility of these four players’ unique combined voice.”

“First Idea Part Two” will be released on July 31st – don’t miss it!


Strangeness Oscillation Track List

  1. First Idea Part One
  2. Bass Clarinet One
  3. Bad Ass
  4. Ade’s Tune
  5. Two Base Flute
  6. Drum and Sax
  7. Trichotomy Book
  8. First Idea Part Two
Isabella Fischer: Isabella, a music journalist and violinist, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music Business from Los Angeles College of Music. As a Weekly Music News Writer for MXDWN, she’s dedicated to uncovering music industry trends and staying on top of the ever-changing music scene. When she's not writing, she can often be found attending concerts or diving into a good book, and always seeking new sources of inspiration.
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