Thomas Bangalter, known from the iconic electronic duo Daft Punk, that split in 2021, has released six-hour long soundtrack for the production titled “CHIROPTERA.” The “CHIROPTERA” project has been a soundtrack on a massive scale and is Thomas Bangalter’s first release since soundtrack “Daaaaaali.” “CHIROPTERA” has a unique ominous sound and was the soundtrack for a performance with artist JR and choregraphed by Damien Jallet, in a ballet production consisting of 154 dancers. The performance was held on November 12th, 2023, in the forecourt of the Paris Opera House.
The released cut of the performance is only 12 minutes, including a solo intro that is five minutes, but the exclusive release of the full-length soundtrack is 6 hours, and is specifically titled “CHIROPTERA MATIERE PREIMERE.”
The mesmerizing performance of “CHIROPTERA” and the full-length “CHIROPTERA MATIERE PREIMERE” is available everywhere. Although, there are 200 limited edition, signed, 10xLP vinyl’s of “CHIROPTERA MATIERE PREIMERE” available in Galerie Perrotin in Paris and on Atelier JR webshop.
“CHIROPTERA’s” release is corresponding with an additional production by Bangalter titled “ATHELIA 9,” another soundtrack whose performance is being hosted at the Espace Saint-Claude through June 7th-June15th, 2024. The unstoppable creative force that is Thomas Bangalter is undoubtable. From the legacy of Daft Punk to the continued contemporary creations that demonstrate, not only artistic diversity, but extreme artistic talent, Bangalter’s most recent additions to music and dance should not be ignored.
“CHIROPTERA” Tracklist:
- “CHIROPTERA” (Solo Intro)
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