Blitzen Trapper’s 100’s of 1000’s, Millions of Billions is a mellow yet exciting collection of elements that are blended together to create a great album worth a listen.
The first song on the album “Ain’t Got Time to Fight” sets the album up wonderfully, incorporating all aspects that make the album what it is. This song is smooth and excitingly captivating while having a lyrical dissonance describing what it is to not have enough to give and to fight.
At the beginning of “Dead God of the Green Arising” it seems like there would be no room to build, and gives the feeling that the listener is already in the middle of the song. However, with no surprise, the production continues to reach new levels with additional instruments until the ending as it fades out to “Cosmic Backseat Education,” a more nostalgic piece.
The ninth track on the album “Long Game” is groovy and lively. This song gives off a comforting feeling in the way that you can tell they went back to the roots of great music and composed something fresh and vibrant. The lyrics such as “I feel as naked as the hour that I was born / And when we die our souls will speak the worlds into existence” encompass the freedom that Blitzen Trapper is portraying when someone is connected with someone else in the long game before and after death.
“View from Jackson Hill” has a wistful sound and winding guitar creating a soothing story.
The final track on the song is a suite “Bear’s Head/At the Cove,” which has a mesmerizing transition. The first song sets up the tone for the next song when incorporating winding instrumentals and vocals in preparation for the ethereal ending to the album. The ending of this album seamlessly blends in with the intro of the first song “Ain’t Got Time to Fight.”
100’s of 1000’s, Millions of Billions is a very enjoyable album all around. The lyrics are cinematic as Blitzen Trapper creates beautiful analogies to build up the stories they are telling.