Honest thoughts, applicable to all
To start off, BEACON is blatantly relatable. Each song covers topics that are native to the vast majority of humans, covering matters related to love, aging and even just being a human in general. Nashville based singer songwriter morgxn really hits the nail on the head on this one as each song tells an undoubting story, shrouded with an indie pop finish that is incredibly easy to listen to.
“Young & In Love” is a prime example of BEACON being domestic to the masses. The song concept itself heavily relates to something almost everyone has experienced- young love. The song highlights the mess that can be made from these inexperienced experiences. It feels like morgxn is looking back on these youthful situations almost longingly, hinting at the fact that this song is his way of saying he misses the raw beauty of young love possibly, or misses someone he lost along the line emotionally.
“What We Could Be” reinforces these points as morgxn continues to sing somberly about something or someone that he wants but lacks in his life. This goes perfectly with “Young & In Love” because he is essentially in a phase of longing, and this longing seems to permeate a lot of aspects of his mind. He thinks about his past, as in being young and in love. Then, he also thinks about his future, or “What We Could Be.”
“To Be Human” is another extremely relatable song. Throughout the chorus, morgxn repeatedly sings “Its so hard, to be human.” If someone hasn’t been able to connect with the past songs related to love or relationships, this one is impossible not to feel as a fellow human. It essentially embodies everything that all of us are.
Finally, the piece “Getting Older In A Modern Time” has a lot to say. At 38 years old, morgxn is at a specific point in his life. It can be assumed that he is thinking about things such as serious relationships and family, as well as the fact that one can’t party and be a “kid” forever. Without any unnecessary assumptions being made about morgxn’s life, it is definitely clear that he is at some sort of transitionary phase, a point in which he is forced to think about topics that relate to “Getting Older In A Modern Time.”
Overall, BEACON is very real with itself. It ultimately covers very uncomfortable human topics that may come across as visceral to many.