On their sixth studio album and first since 1993, the famed Washington D.C.-based punk group Scream continues to write their legacy. DC Special contains the classic punk sound the group created alongside their usual forays into reggae and indie rock.
The album’s title track opens up at first sounding like Paramore’s “Where The Lines Overlap” before taking a more minor turn. With a building intro emphasized with rapid drum beats and a haunting guitar riff, lead vocalist Pete Stahl starts to recant the memories of D.C. It’s a nostalgic turn that doesn’t completely romanticize itself.
Scream is in several genres throughout the record but primarily in indie, punk and classic rock territory. The classic punk tracks were always a given for this group, but they haven’t lost their edge. “Hel Nah” begins with the sounds of an old radio to set the place before Pete Stahl starts to chug through the lyrics.
The instrumental is rather simple; a distorted guitar lingers along with a half-time drum beat. A small guitar solo runs in about halfway through, but Pete Stahl is the show’s star. His voice isn’t very emotional, but the tinges of it help establish the rebellion being led in the track.
Reggae isn’t a genre the band is unfamiliar with, having experimented with on past records. But “Tum Tum” adds an upbeat touch with ska flair. Pete Stahl’s intonation is perfect for this track; his upper register isn’t off-putting and adds a beautiful layer to the instrumentation.
The great guitar work and percussion elements, including a piano and synthesizer, help further elevate the track. However, it’s a much softer track that takes the cake on this record. “Last of the Soft” epitomizes a man and acoustic guitar track.
Pete Stahl really flexes his emotions on the track as he croons about living life without someone important and how difficult things become without this person. This could be an ode to their recently departed drummer, Kent Stax who passed away in Sept. 2023, shortly after the band announced this record.
“If I survive, if I pull through / I couldn’t be happy without you / If we survive, if we pull through / We will always remember you.”
In conclusion, Scream continues to add to its impressive collection with DC Special and even through grief, the band keeps evolving.