Bring in the light
The two-time Grammy nominated band Rival Sons has been gracing the ears of listeners since 2009. In their latest record LIGHTBRINGER, their hard rock sound, Jay Buchanan’s bluesy voice and epic guitar solos take center stage. Within just six tracks, the band is able to concisely explore all-consuming emotions with the help of their intricately crafted instrumentals, all while venturing out in order to sonically revitalize their craft.
Establishing the tone of the record is the piece “DARKFIGHTER.” The almost nine-minute-long song starts with dissonant plucks on the acoustic guitar which are shortly followed by Buchanan’s soulful voice. The background vocals add even more emotion to the piece, along with the quietness of the first minute and a half of the song. Their iconic rock sound then comes in at full force with both electric and acoustic guitar, the latter possessing a country twang, along with dynamic, fast-paced drums. Scott Holiday’s masterful guitar solos are featured twice, first after the initial chorus with acoustic guitar, then electric guitar until the two instruments eventually weave together. Shortly after, there is a synthesizer solo which further adds to the album’s blues-like qualities. In the background of all of these performances is Michael Miley’s fantastic drum rhythms, as well as Dave Beste’s bass guitar playing that adds extra depth to the song. Around five minutes in, the piece’s tempo slows down, which is nicely complemented by the lyrics “Words replace me / Speaking faster than my mind.” The composition circles back to the chorus and ends with an intense symphony accompanied by subtle strings that bring a sense of lightness, almost as if they’re fighting the darkness mentioned in the song’s title.
A standout on the record is “Mercy,” which features a catchy guitar riff and chill-inducing vocals. Buchanan’s raspy voice adds to the song’s edge, along with the muffled-sounding guitar. Before the choruses, which are both memorable and emotive, there is a synth sound that builds until the entire instrumental fully comes in. The lyrics are begging someone to show grace to people through the words “Mercy never let you down / Try a little mercy.” The track fades out with clapping, drums, electric guitar and punchy tambourine. “Redemption” begins with muted strums on acoustic guitar, which quickly opens up and is layered with electric guitar. In comparison to previous tracks, this song is more peaceful. There are lyrics that emphasize this such as “To calm the rage that rattled in his mind / To quiet the beast that rattled his mind.” The calmer composition allows the storytelling to shine through. Towards the end, Buchanan belts out vocals as inspirational guitar is heard.
“Sweet Life” has a classic rock sound with its crisp drums and smooth guitar. When it comes to the chorus, there is no wasting time getting into it as listeners are hit right away with soaring vocals and a fast tempo. This track is the most danceable piece on the record and has the most memorable rhythm during the lyrics “I got to shake, shake / Shake the bad rhythm.” For these reasons, it makes sense that this is the most popular song off the album. The record closes with “Mosaic,” consisting of incredibly smooth electric guitar and an intimate atmosphere. There’s discussion of contradicting emotions with the lyrics “Joy, Heartache / Happiness and pain / What you want is out of reach / So reach out again.” While serious topics get brought up, the piece maintains an air of hopefulness that’s meant to uplift listeners. The album ends with Buchanan’s soft vocals reminding listeners that “we’re only here for each other” as guitar and synthesizer chords accompany him.
LIGHTBRINGER is just the right album for classic rock fans to listen to, especially for those who enjoy Lynyrd Skynyrd as both bands are sonically similar and have similar compositional structures. Prepared to be blown away by guitar solos and meaningful lyrics as you give Rival Sons’ new record a shot.