Gunship Shares Epic New Single “Empress Of The Damned” Featuring Lights

Photo Credit: Mauricio Alvarado

Gunship releases a new single “Empress Of The Damned” featuring lights. “Empress Of The Damned” features rich cultural and video game references, in hypnotic bass-heavy verses that give way to soaring choruses filled with Gunship’s signature 80s pop sensibility. It is a passionate version of the classic duets of yesteryear from the 80s. The single has a sonic getaway melody with a touch of cyberpunk vocal values and the song also has a beautiful rhythm with the saxophone sense when it starts ending.  

“Empress Of The Damned” highlights themes of power, authenticity, identity, and the never ending pursuit of satisfaction in a digital age. At the beginning of the song, a character is introduced who falls deeply and rapidly, their eyes glittering with the stars. Yet, this initial burst of enthusiasm is quickly revealed to be a facade. Their expectations are unfulfilled and the allusion to a race without a car suggests that they lack the essential tools or resources to reach their aspirations. 

In the initial pre-chorus of the song, the concept of developing perspectives and advancing in a technological society is addressed. The lyrics indicate that the desire extends beyond more romantic love and affection. Instead, there is a yearning to uncover the faults within the fundamental structure of the system.

The lyrics of the second verse contain allusions to the popular game Portal, specifically referencing its famous line “the cake is a lie”. Additionally, the verse poses introspective inquiries about one’s identity and the possibility of communicating with celestial bodies. The verse implies a readiness to confront obscured truths and embrace darker aspects of existence. They also did a previous song called “DooM Dance” featuring Carpenter Brut and Gavin Rossdale. 

Caroline Carvalho: Hello, my name is Caroline Carvalho. I am currently studying at Montclair State University. I am currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Visual Arts (Formerly Fine Arts) and receiving a Makeup Artistry Certificate.
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