Photo by Mauricio Alvarado
Giorgio Moroder esteemed producer and the “Father of Disco” has decided to sell off his producer royalties. He sold them to the brand development company Iconoclast and they include the right to his name, image and likeness. Meaning his name, images of him, and his music can now be used by Iconoclast, and the royalties will go to them instead of Moroder.
Consequence Sound states, “In addition to a prolific solo career, Moroder produced many of Summer’s disco classics as well as the Academy Award-winning Top Gun song” … “Moroder’s other credits include Blondie’s “Call Me,” as well as the soundtracks to Cat People and Scarface. In the 1970s and ’80s, artists including Led Zeppelin, Queen, The Rolling Stones, and Elton John recorded at his Musicland Studios in Munich. Decades later, for his 2015 solo album Déjà Vu, Moroder enlisted Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Sia, and Charli XCX as collaborators.”
With this extensive repertoire, we will certainly be hearing more and more of Moroder’s music as the days go on. Moroder seems to be following suit with many artists these days and with the industry as unstable as it is, one can’t say it’s a bad move. Iconoclast now owns a portion and if not all of the rights to all the music ever written or touched by Moroder. His name image and likeness can now be used where ever and whenever Iconoclast deems fit. An interesting new development indeed, it will definitely be interesting to see what they do with all these new songs and Moroder’s image.