Angsty, vulnerable indie rock
fawn is a delicate yet confident EP, displaying loud assortments of emotion while remaining endearingly lighthearted. The project is 17 minutes long and the songs seem to flow like water. There is some heavy midwestern emo influence within fawn, specifically through the fast paced melodic guitar lines as well as the half sung half screamed vocals. The first track, “333” sets a tone for the EP. It starts quietly with just acoustic guitar and vocals. Then, the band comes in. The song is emotive, powerful and catchy. It plays on themes of depression and isolation. The lyrics are exasperated yet honest.
“normal c,” the next song on the EP, comes in with full instrumentation and is a little more upbeat than “333.” However, the actual lyrics are still extremely sad, highlighting a sense of wistfulness in the singer’s voice. Ironically, the song ends with a comedic bit of dialogue from the TV show It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. This sample is funny and jokes about the rockstar lifestyle. This combined with the sad themes of “normal c” is very midwestern emo, almost following the humorous self-deprecating culture of that genre.
“mud” is another really interesting track on this project as the drums take on a slight dance groove. This adds a layer of excitement to the otherwise sedated guitar lines and vocal melodies. “treat me nice” also experiments with the drums, in which an electronic kit is utilized. This also adds a layer of excitement to the track, but rather a more machinelike energy. Both “mud” and “treat me nice” lead listeners to the dance floor, yet the actual feel is very different on both songs.
“soaked in” acts as a great ending piece for the project. It has a coming of age feel to it. Despite this project’s quick runtime, listening to it is like watching a human journey through life. It is beautiful, reflective and painful at parts. However, by the time the last song rolls around, it feels like a weight has been lifted off the EP’s shoulders, at least in the sense that it finds closure. The lyrics are just as sad in the end as the beginning, yet there is resolution within the melodic aspects of the song. Overall, fawn is a beautiful piece of music that will make the listener ultimately feel something whether it be happiness or sadness.