Chaotic, Dark and Political
MetaVersUs is 40 Octaves Below’s newest album. It is an extremely politically charged soundtrack that is a nod toward the many different agendas being pushed in all countries around the world. The album centers around the amount of misinformation and global media manipulation that we are seeing in our world today. The album also focuses on censorship, media programming and the surrender of freedom. In the midst of all these topics the album talks about the coming “New World Order” which is a reference to the biblical book of Revelation that talks about the end of the world.
With the discussion of such heavy topics on the album, each song inevitably has an eerie overall sound. The album sounds more like horror movie music with strong elements of goth and rock. The soundtrack is packed full of heavy synthesizers that sound more like thunder on each track. The majority of the album carries this same sound and style which unfortunately causes most of the songs to blend together over time. About halfway through the album it becomes difficult to distinguish one song from another.
Not only are the songs hard to distinguish, but it is also a challenge to understand what the vocalist is saying. The distortion is almost overpowering and makes it difficult to comprehend the lyrics. Though it is hard to understand the singer, the ideas that the artist is trying to get across are not lost. The artist makes it clear that time is running out and we are nearing the end of all things. They make clear connections between the book of Revelation and today’s world such as the coming antichrist, destruction and the great tribulation.
The inclusion of these biblical topics concerning the end times is what makes this album all the more disturbing and dark. The artist is very clear that this album is a protest against the current events taking place throughout the world and that if the word continues on this path that it will end in destruction. The music is chaotic and wild with driving synthesizers and gothic tones. Fans who love music with a strong message will love this album and all its elements.