Intricate lyricism and emotional vocals
Pearla, a mysterious Brooklyn-based artist, recently released her debut album, Oh Glistening Onion, The Nighttime Is Coming. This twelve-track collection explores various topics, through intricate lyrics that paint vivid pictures for the listeners. On these tracks, she leans into folk, country, pop and indie elements to create a unique sound. This album is sure to draw in many new listeners, and impress existing fans.
The first song, “Strong,” starts the album with chill vibes and intriguing lyricism. The instrumentation points to country and folk, with rhythmic acoustic strums and steel guitars. She sings about thinking she was strong, but not being so sure anymore. The song’s lyrics are sad, but paint pictures of different scenes in her life. The song is a laid-back and honest track, and an intriguing way to start the album.
The next track, “Ming the Clam,” retreats from the country vibes on the last track and leans into a folky-pop sound. Her gentle voice is accompanied by steady percussion and acoustic guitars. Her voice, filled with emotion, shines through on this track as she sings, and the harmonies add depth to her voice. Her lyrics are once again an intricate pairing of scenes in her life, and her voice explores the emotions of these moments.
The fifth track, “About Hunger, About Love,” is a similar vibe to the previous tracks. She mixes indie-pop and folk sounds, while singing about feeling lost, alone and losing herself. This song is one of the most melancholic on the album, and she really explores these emotions through her vocal delivery. This track shows off her artistry and emotions in a vulnerable light.
The ninth track, “Unglow The,” is a popular song on the album. She explores ideas of the complexity of the world around her, and she struggles to find peace and reason within it. These lyrics are complex, and she sings about various metaphors. The instrumentation leans more into folk than pop on this track, with mostly organic sounds that let her vocals and story shine through.
The second-to-last track, “The Glistening Onion,” is also a popular one. She sings about her relationship with someone and paints the picture of it all unfolding. This track really shows off her lyricism. Behind the lyrics, the instrumentation leans more into indie elements, as it relies on synthesizers and electric guitars on this one. This track is another laid-back one in which she tells a story and explores her emotions.
This newest album, Oh Glistening Onion, The Nighttime Is Coming, is a 12-track record, showing off Pearla’s artistry and impressive lyricism.