Super famous singer songwriter comes to San Francisco
Steve Lacy is pretty new to the international scene so I gather from his biography section on Spotify. I still have never heard of this guy until today. Surprised because this guy is literally 101st in the world on Spotify. So that is a pretty big deal. He seriously almost has 31 million monthly listeners on Spotify. That is ludicrous. His show at The Warfield on Market Street lands on a Wednesday. So maybe that is convenient for you, maybe that is not. I don’t know, I don’t care. The doors of The Warfield will officially open at 7 pm or 1900hrs for all you military guys. The show starts at 8 pm. Or 2000hrs. What don’t read military time? Sounds like a personal problem. If you happen to be taking BART to the show then leave super early and anticipate delays because it happens way too much I hear. Get on the yellow line and get off Embarcadero station then get on Muni and get off Market and Taylor Street station. Boom. You just landed right in front of the venue. Beware though this is a very rough spot. So wear running shoes. Because running. Essential to your health. So is drinking plenty of water. So you are going to the show right? Look I don’t know what to tell you if you aren’t convinced.
If you have never been to The Warfield music venue before then here check out this link to their virtual tour. It looks pretty cool how they did it all and ya I really suggest checking out the FAQ page on the website for info like lost and found and reentry rules and such.
Details for showing
- 982 Market Street
- Buy tickets at axs.com
- They start at $35 a peice and go much much higher than that
- All ages welcome
- Drink water
- No opening acts
- Doors open 7 pm
- Show live at 8 pm
- Bad part of town
- BART station closes at midnight
- Show is on a Wednesday
- Official website for venue here
Thank you