Anti-Flag dropped a new music video for song from their latest album release. The band’s 13th album Lies They Tell Our Children showcases their punk-rock talent yet again. The video which was directed by InDecline has also previously shot seven videos for the band’s album tracks.
The 2023 album is one that will officially mark three decades of the band’s punk rock music. What’s most compelling about this song is the story it tells behind the lyrics. The words mean to tell that capitalism is the biggest offender behind inequality and injustices.
“Well, they sold all our bodies, collected our names / Sold all our fears, stole all our birthdates.” These are just the first lines of the song which are meaningful and point to the societal injustices.
The new video reveals meaningful messages that are attributed to the lyrics. Each visual of the video represents both spectrums of money. Including a larger man who is money hungry and absorbing all the finances. As opposed to the beggars who are moneyless and suffering. The value of the song is amplified by the use of the video.
The album in its entirety represents the band’s hard work throughout the years, in the process of leaving their comfort zone. Each track tells a story, and the entire album is regarded as a ‘concept record.’
The band believes the album to have been “a record that is fulfilling emotionally and spiritually. Though their vocals and punk-rock feel remain the same, their ability to surprise listeners with fresh ideas is stellar.
Photo Credit: Pamela Lin