Metalcore band most popular in the early 2010s is at again with a show coming up in February
We Came As Romans! Remember those guys? They were not as big as Bring Me The Horizon but they were not as low on the radar as bands like Tesla or Static-X. Sorry but it is true. Well, apparently these guys still make music. Good for them. Anyway, wow look at the time! I need sleep and you need a life! Look, all I got to say is if you go to this show, bring water, drink water and pee water! I know this sounds crazy but you have to believe me when I tell you that water is your only friend at a show like this. Why? Because you will be sweating water! That means you will be losing water! Which means you will want more water to put back into your mouth which then goes into your veins, muscles, tiny brain, etc! Then you pee water and the cycle starts all over again! Trust me if you have been to a heavy and active music show recently like this one will be! Then you know exactly what it is that I, yes I, am and have been talking about forever now. DRINKING WATER. Well if you have never been to a show like this before then see what happens when you don’t drink enough water! See what happens! You might as well go to sleep with your socks on too while you’re at it! Learn two hard lessons in one night why don’t ya?! And look, I don’t have to explain to you how this band sounds! You know how this band sounds or else you wouldn’t have clicked on this link! Do I look like a Spotify to you? This is MXDWN! Not Soundcloud! Mix-Down! I don’t know! Don’t ask me what it means just go along with it ok I didn’t make the name up!
- Ace Of Spades famous heavy only venue located at 1417 R Street, Sac-town baby!!
- Doors open at 6 fool and this ain’t your dumb high-school so don’t be late
- It’s on a Sunday so you figure it out. Don’t have off? Oh well not my clown, not my circus
- Next issue is the tickets are almost $30 for general admission alone, hope you’ve been good to mommy and daddy, maybe you can ask them for a raise on that weekly allowance if you don’t have a job
- They got some opening acts but like you care…
- Buy tickets here at livenation.com
Thank you and stay hydrated