Hillbilly bluegrass rockers come to The Foggy City to get on that good ole’ mountain dew!
Tejon Street Corner Thieves are a little known group focusing on a darker tone of bluegrass by focusing more on its roots towards delta blues music. Probably my favorite classic genre of Americana, I don’t know at this point I am still deciding. I wouldn’t say that Tejon Street is just like delta blues but it gets a little dark and gritty in terms of lyricism and storytelling. The instrumentation however is more akin to a much more modern sounding yet still definitive bluegrass. Just not so happy-feely like it’s Knott’s Berry Farm or some hay ride shindigg. You know when I saw the band name not too long ago, I instantly thought this would be some group that would compare to Cypress Hill or Body Count. LAUGH OUT LOUD. Man was I wrong! You gotta admit that the band name reminds you of a roach coach of a taco truck or some rap group that has lyrics that are in Spanish half the time. Why the funny sound band name? Dude, I don’t know gon look it up or go ask them yourselves when you get to the show. Do it I dare you! I bet you don’t have the balls whoever you are reading this. Oh whatever you’re probably not even reading this. Anyway, wow, look at the time! You want to do something and I want to go to bed! Don’t worry, don’t worry! Only less than one hundred words left to go! These guys will open for another bluegrass subgenre type group called Trampled By Turtles. I covered them weeks earlier. It was a pretty lame article, please don’t read it or else and no I am totally not winking and nudging you right now to go read it or anything. Whatever.
- Click/tap here for ticket info at livenation.com
- 1805 Geary Blvd
- Thursday doors open at 7pm live at 8pm
Thank you very much for reading and drink lots of water
Whales won’t kill themselves…. *Winkey face, cheeky smile*