Supreme Beings of Leisure (SBL), best known for their spygroove genre of sound, has released a new single titled, “Contender.” Members of the group: Geri Soriano, Ramin Sakurai and Rick Torres, recently came off their 14 – year hiatus with a new vision for their band and a new sound that truly embodies who they are as artists.
The new single features a pounding baseline that heavily accentuates the vitality of the lyrics and the passion framing the message in the song.
This track was written by Soriano and, as the singer explains, is about “brute conquest, inequity, and karma.” She also mentions that, “if the song reminds you of a certain particular figure, you may be right but this story is as old as the hills.”
Seeing that the single was written during 2019, Soriano is undoubtedly referencing former President Donald Trump who the songwriter makes note of as being the inspiration for the song.
“Contender,” along with the group’s other single, “Full Circle” are set to appear on Supreme Beings of Leisure’s fourth studio album 22, which will be released in 2023.