Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong Says “Fuck America”, Renounces U.S. Citizenship Following Supreme Court Decision

Grammy winning Green Day musician Billie Joe Armstrong vowed to the audience his decision to move to the UK as he proclaimed the words “Fuck America” after the recent Roe v. Wade federal abortion protections case. 

‘“He added: “Oh, I’m not kidding, you’re going to get a lot of me in the coming days.”’ (Deadline


With what he said on stage, everyone found a bit of resonation. It is a mixture of anger, confusion, sadness and genuine fear for what is coming to America. This is not the first time Armstrong has made staggering anti-US sentiments as well as political statements, he’s also said similar things both in concerts and interviews. 


“Armstrong, 50, told his audience “There’s too much f***ing stupid in the world to go back to that miserable f**king excuse for a country” when he made his reveal.”

His voice was met with roaring applause and an eruption from the crowd to follow his footsteps. With such an influence and esteemed social recognition, Armstrong is using his platform and publicity to get his message across to the United States as well as the world. As dystopian as this situation may be, Everyone is united and in this together. 

With all being said, take a look at twitter’s fan reaction!

Check out mxdwn’s previous article on Billie Joe Armstrong’s latest releases!

Photo Credit: Mehreen Rizvi

Lucy Yang: IR & Writing @ OXY, self publishing journalist; published in editorials, agency fashion model, fashion blogger on various platforms.
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