Hardcore guitar player Billy Graziadei of Biohazard has released a new lyric video for his song “One Life to Live” under his solo project BillyBio. In the song, BillyBio sings about the struggles of life and and how we only have one life, so we might as well live it to the fullest. Under the heavy guitar and yelled lyrics, there is a lot of positivity and empowerment, it is about fighting for your rights and letting your heart guide you. The chanted chorus “One life to live” is the only break from the rough yelling of the verses and the advice BillyBio offers on how best to live. It is about fighting the good fight, don’t let others put you down, and in the final lines of the song, he remarks “With my dying breath I’ll stand
And scream for what is right//Let your voice be heard.” Over all of the song is the heavy noisy guitar and drums of a metal song, and it is a raucous celebration of life. The song is in support of BillyBio’s album coming at some point in 2022, the album is called Leaders And Liars.
The accompanying lyric video follows the lyrics of the song in scratchy metal themed font through an array of orange and black colored backgrounds, with crudely drawn faces and people popping up on lyrics about humanity. There are also snakes that follow the lyrics when the lyrics discuss evil and being lead astray. Many of the faces look like they are suffering.
Biohazard was disbanded in 2005, but Billy Graziadei has been active for quite some time now, and with this most recent album he is getting back fully into the hardcore metal scene.