The Regrettes just shared the lyric video for their new single, “Monday,” which was the #1 most added song on Mediabase’s Alternative Rock Chart last week according to their press release. The video itself is very reminiscent of 2014 style lyric videos, composition note, markers and all. The video comes together with butterfly stickers, bright colors, and the overall grooviness you expect from the song itself.
The lyric video is quite different of the melodramatic music video that was released alongside “Monday,” which has many more Euphoria vibes with the strobe lights and pastel colors. The lyric video has a much more playful quality to it, allowing listeners to engage with the music in a different way.
In reference to the creation of “Monday,” Lydia Night of the band reveals: “I wrote our new song ‘Monday’ on Zoom during the pandemic with my producer Tim Pagnotta and talented writer Michelle Buzz. At the time I was pretty much at the peak of my anxiety disorder, every morning I was waking up and absolutely dreading the idea of functioning and being “productive” (whatever the hell that even means) for another day. Like most of us, I was still at home, where all my issues still existed. So, whatever I was dealing with didn’t slowly fade away while stuck in traffic on the way to go write somewhere. I didn’t have the space to think of “what do I want to write about”, instead, I just rolled out of bed and all my horrible fucking thoughts were still with me, just waiting to be unboxed.”
“Monday” is The Regrette’s first song to be released since their 2019 sophomore LP. They have also recently released “I Love Us,” a sonic journey through a new phase of their music.
Photo Credit Boston Lynn Schulz