Today, September 1, 666 new laws went into effect in Texas, most of them very conservative leaning. One of the most talked about laws is the new abortion law of the state. The new law bans abortions after only six weeks, two weeks after a missed period and a time many women don’t even know they are pregnant yet. Most pro-choice and abortion advocates were hoping the Supreme Court might temporarily stop the law due to Roe V. Wade, but this morning it became clear the Supreme Court, which is also conservative leaning since the Trump presidency, would not stop the law.
The law would allow private citizen to sue doctors who provide safe abortions and even people who provide rides and access to abortions. The plaintiff doesn’t have to be related or close to the woman who received an abortion. According to NPR, the person who sues does not need to proof they have any connection to the person they sue. This law is one of the most restrictive in the nation.
In reaction to the news some musicians and artist spoke out directly or in directly, by re-tweeting, against the new law. This includes Billy Bragg, punk rock band The Regrettes, Eve6, Emmy The Great, Maggie Rogers and more.
Check out their reactions below:
Gilead here we come! #BlessedBeTheFruit https://t.co/IFFqWMJjPW
— Billy Bragg (@billybragg) September 1, 2021
THIS IS SO FUCKED https://t.co/lojwBs0qQ6
— The Regrettes (@regrettesband) September 1, 2021
this law incentivizes members of the public to sue anyone who helps a patient get an abortion in TX after 6 wks. there are no exemptions for rape and incest. and they won’t stop there.
the battle for reproductive health & rights is happening now. https://t.co/6PgZMm0SCp https://t.co/faWjHdlCAA
— Maggie Rogers (@maggierogers) September 1, 2021
Yo Texas… #WomensRights much? pic.twitter.com/rmu6tRVwCX
— Rachel Fannan (@RachelFannan) September 1, 2021
Emmy The Great shared a more private story, relating to her own pregnancy.
I remember reading being pregnant and reading @maevehiggins‘ article on repealing the Eighth, and crying my eyes out because I couldn’t imagine going through this without having chosen to.
— Emmy the Great (@emmy_the_great) September 1, 2021
“or else”
— kanyeve6 (@Eve6) September 1, 2021
— Evan Greer (@evan_greer) September 1, 2021