Nite Jewel has released her final single from her four year absence. “To Feel It” goes with the August 27th release of the album No Sun via Gloriette Records. Nite Jewel will also be going on tour soon and tickets are being sold at the moment. A portion of proceeds will go to The World Stage.
Nite Jewel’s other two singles she has put out are “This Time” and “Before I Go.”
Pitchfork comments about “Before I Go”: “With an atypical ballad that radiates a unique glow, Gonzalez finds a form that can encompass the complexity of the truth.”
Resident Advisor comments about “This Time”: ‘This Time’ goes further than sensory bliss—it caresses the spirit and then nurses its wounds.”
As the third and final piece to Nite Jewel’s avant-electric pop album No Sun, “To Feel It” describes bitterness and defiance. This is marked by the part when she says “You don’t want to feel this? Well I will.” It demonstrates how strong she feels in this moment of complete vulnerability. It’s a way to show viewers that being weak can also be a way to show strength and that they’re ready to be over the pain.
No Sun is about the research into women’s lament practices and expression of personal pain that is done by Ramona Gonzalez (Nite Jewel) to continue her PhD. No Sun was made due to the ending of her marriage back in 2018. Going as far back as ancient Greece, lamenting was the use of a woman’s voice to express grief that everyone was feeling because they could portray it in a way all could feel it and understand much grief someone felt at the moment. It could also be seen as a stereotype that women express grief more emotionally than men.
“Nite Jewel does analytical sensuality, referential originality,” said New York Times.
The Guardian said, “Expertly arranged and highly imaginative…surreal beauty.”
“Like a latter-day Prince protégé , with a beatific calm to her tone,” said The Wire.
08/27/2021 Los Angeles, CA – Zebulon (w/ Anenon, Jay Israelson & DJ Harriet Brown)
09/03/2021 New York, NY – Baby’s All Right (w/ NAIMA & DJ Starchild)
09/25/2021 Boise, ID – Treefort Festival
Photo credit: Raymond Flotat