An honest story on navigating life
LPX, also known as Lizzy Plapinger, recently released an EP, Go The Other Way, Called The Echo. She is a New York-based solo artist who has been releasing her own music since 2017. This new EP has six songs and explores the theme of navigating life and choosing one’s journey. It is both a reflective and forward-looking album, as she critiques her past and makes future plans. Her sound on the album goes between indie-pop and punk rock. Through her lyrics, emotion-filled voice and upbeat production, she takes the listener on her journey.
“New Mood” is the first track on the EP. It takes on an alternative rock sound and has brutally honest lyrics. She sings about her being tired of her past, wanting to create a new path and choosing a new mood. Her voice is full of energy and expressive as she showcases her frustration and boredom with her past and excitement for her “new mood.” There is a distorted electric guitar that helps carry the high energy created by her voice. The production is upbeat and perfectly matches the empowering message created by her voice and the lyrics.
“Delayed Gratification” takes on a different sound and message, as it has more stripped-back production. She is accompanied by a guitar and a gentle piano/synthesizer in verse. During the chorus, the production builds up to a fuller sound. This track takes on more of an indie-pop sound than “New Mood.” The production matches the song’s lyrics, as she sings about the sadness and frustration that comes with having to wait for gratification and the results she wants. The lyrics are honest and relatable, and her voice is filled with emotion.
“My Best” has a mix of indie, pop and rock sounds. On this track, she sings about trying her best yet not getting the outcomes that she wants. The track has a distorted bassline, heavy drums and synthesizer. Like all of her songs, the lyrics are full of honesty and emotion brought to life by her voice, and the production is full of infectious energy.
“Deadweight” is the fifth track on her album, and on it, she sings about ending a relationship that is no longer serving her well. There is pain in her voice, but her lyrics show that she is making the best decision for herself. The production is between the loud, upbeat production found on “New Mood” and the stripped-back production on “Delayed Gratification.” This middle ground in the production could point back to her mixed feelings about her relationship, as she feels this breakup will help her, but it is still a difficult situation. Like all of her other tracks, it is a cohesive story with an emotion-filled voice and production that is sure to keep the listener engaged.
“Deceptacon” is the only bonus track on the EP, and she showcases a different side of who she is as an artist and her style on this track. She leans into her rock influences on this track as the song starts with a distorted electric guitar and heavy drums. She uses her voice to showcase her emotions and excitement, as it is a mix of singing, yelling and talking. Another distorted guitar comes in multiple times during the track-completing impressive solos. This track is the most rock-like song on the album and very high energy.
LPX’s new EP, Go The Other Way, Called The Echo, is a cohesive mix of genres that contains emotion-filled stories and is sure to connect with listeners.