Glitterer, the project of Ned Russin, has shared the music video for the title track from his upcoming album, Life Is Not A Lesson, due February 26 via ANTI- Records. “Life Is Not A Lesson” follows the album’s lead single, “Are You Sure?”
The music video for “Life Is Not A Lesson” features Russin drawing lines in the sand. He dons a green hoodie, swirling around and creating intricate designs. The track features soft instruments and continuous tones, Russin walking around his design and staring out toward the ocean.
“Uncomfortable/With the thought of being not under control/Oh no/It’s not the truth holding the key/It’s hidden right in front of you and me,” he sings. The keyboard tones grow in melody as the song closes, Russin continuing to run around his design as the high tide washes it away, the sun setting behind him to turn the sky into deeper blue hues.
“The major theme in Life Is Not A Lesson is desire,” Russin said in a press statement. “‘Are You Sure?’ is a song about certainty. My younger self was fascinated with and comfortable in assurances. I felt very sure I had the answers to a lot of questions. What am I doing with my life? What do I like? Who am I? My current self not so much. This song addresses the desires to find these answers while admittedly contradicting itself in the face of their questions, unsure if they’re even more important to answer in the first place.”
Russin’s upcoming album will be his second under his Glitterer moniker, following 2019’s Looking Through the Shades. Russin produced Life Is Not A Lesson himself. Prior to his work as Glitterer, Rusin had co-fronted the band Title Fight.
Life Is Not A Lesson tracklist:
1. “Bodies”
2. “Are You Sure?”
3. “Try Harder Still”
4. “Little Backwards Glance”
5. “How A Song Should Go”
6. “The End”
7. “Didn’t Want It”
8. “Indeed”
9. “Birdsong”
10. “I Made The Call”
11. “Fire”
12. “Life Is Not A Lesson”