Anamanaguchi continues its summer singles series with “Jamie” featuring Jamie Brooks. The band, comprised of original lineup Peter Berkman, Ary Warnaar, James DeVito and Luke Silas, has kept a steady flow of summer friendly jams coming out since the first single in the series, “Styla.” The four musicians have been together since the band’s inception in 2004.
Summer Single No. 7
Jaime ft. Jaime Brooks@elite_gz
Lyric video:
Stream/Buy: hit diff in november
— Anamanaguchi (@anamanaguchi) November 13, 2020
“Jamie” is accompanied, like the other singles, with a lyric video. It includes some distinctive imagery and iconic font and stylistic choices, which are perfectly in line with the band’s official webpage for the series, with a layout that harkens back to the early days of the worldwide web.
After “Styla,” the series kept is steady momentum with “Kei” featuring POCHI, a remix of “Get your Wish” originally by Porter Robinson, “Vancouver” and “Pixelcandle.” Each song has it own unique artwork associated with it, so looking at each of them side by side culminates the project into a sort of an electronic exhibit. There is one more question mark on the website, which could only mean that the eighth track will wrap up the projects summer sentiment.
You can check out our review of one of the last live showcases of Anamanaguchi before the pandemic hit, live at the Fonda Theater.
photo credit: Stephen Hoffmeister