Damian Koulash, frontman of Los Angeles based alt rock band OK Go, revealed today that his wife and himself both were diagnosed with the coronavirus upon releasing the band’s lead single of their new album, “All Together Now,” along with a video. The project, Koulash wrote, was “[written] and recorded in our homes over the last few days, inspired by our neighborhood’s nightly cheer for the frontline workers . . . It’s our somber prayer for hope.”
The video, which all of the band members recorded at home separately, perfectly encapsulates the theme and the message of the song. The song is a rallying cry for people to stay connected, despite physical separation, and the timing could not be more appropriate. Likewise, the video that shows the band members isolated from each other further emphasizes the idea of separation, but also reminds the viewers how people can remain connected despite physical distance. The song is an excellent first impression of OK Go’s new album, and the video is stunningly appropriate given the current circumstances.
Koulash wrote about the band’s new song and video, “This isn’t the clever new video we’ve been working on for months or the lead single from our new album; there’s no campaign. It’s an earnest, personal song about the moment we’re all sharing, and a homemade video of us recording it in our closets and kitchens.” His sentiment captures the reality that practically evertone is currently facing around the country and world.
Koulsash also penned a detailed letter describing his family’s battle with the coronavirus. The front man stated while he was one of the first who was diagnosed with the virus, his wife faced a much more serious battle. His wife eventually made a full recovery, and their kids only ever showed symptoms of a common cold. “The idea that some good may come from this time of overwhelming tragedy is a light in the dark right now,” writes Koulsash. “As we wrestle with anxiety, every drop of hope is precious. We want to nurture it and share it.”