Bing & Ruth Take the Stage at the Lodge Room on 8/22

No one could argue that classical music and piano ballads are particularly popular. At the same time, few would argue that they aren’t beautiful. Luckily, for those in the know, we’ve been going through a bit of a modern classical renaissance. With brilliant records from Nils Frahm, A Winged Victory for the Sullen and Jherek Bishcoff, we seem to be headed towards a bright new era. But even still, one of the heroes of this movement remains unsung, and shedding light upon them is of the utmost importance.

Bing & Ruth may not be particularly well known, but nearly every person who does know them loves them. Though they had been playing music since 2006, their 2017 release No Home of the Mind became regarded as a defining album of modern classical music. The album itself was recorded on 17 separate pianos throughout the United States and was often recorded in as few takes as possible to maintain the integrity of the sound without allowing too much thought and intentionality to seep into the music.

Their previous record Tomorrow Was the Golden Age also won them numerous accolades and put them on the map for fans of ambient and textural releases. Instead of using the term ambient as a way to subtract elements, Bing & Ruth focused heavily on album flow and sonic textures, crafting a smooth and soulful journey.

This incredible group is headed to the Lodge Room on 8/22, where the intimate space will no doubt bring out the magic of their sound. If you’re tired of dull minimalist compositions, then seeing Bing & Ruth as they take the stage at the Lodge Room is an absolute must.

Location: The Lodge Room

Address: 104 N Ave 56 2nd floor, Los Angeles, CA 90042

Tickets Available from $43

Drew Pitt: Senior Editor at and Graduate of Northern Arizona University Drew Pitt is a dedicated music journalist and multidisciplinary writer based in Los Angeles, California. Outside of, Drew hosts the Apotheosis newsletter on Substack, where he curates the best metal of each week into a succinct list that highlights key releases, labels and merchandise in the metal subculture. The newsletter can be found at - His primary specialties are album and festival / concert coverage. His album reviews have garnered praise from a number of artists for their detail and accuracy. At live events he is able to leverage his knowledge as a Project Manager and Creative Director to comment on the music, performance, and event production with clarity and authority. Drew Pitt currently resides in Los Angeles, CA where he enjoys the lovely weather, and picturesque beaches, but most importantly the constant flow of live music that takes place every night of the week. Website: Newsletter: Email: Twitter: @drewpitt1
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