Jam Out With Hiatus Kaiyote at the Hollywood Bowl on 9/9

The past decade has expanded and popularized musical genres in new and unexpected ways. One of the most important movements of the 21st century has been Neo-Soul. While this movement has largely been led by American artists, as soul music is an art form pioneered by black Americans, one of the most important groups is a quartet from Australia, Hiatus Kaiyote. 

This group formed in 2011 and quickly won listeners over with a jazzy laid back style that still manages to showcase fiery instrumental skills. Everything from guitars to drums are beautifully calculated, but still soulful and free flowing. But it’s not just the instruments that drew people to this group. Singer Nai Palm’s vocals are routinely cited as some of the best in the genre, and after a few listens it’s easy to see why such an odd sounding band could make their way to a headlining show at one of the greatest venues in the world.

Outside of their regular music pursuits, they’ve linked up with numerous hip hop acts, including legendary rapper Q-Tip who recorded breakout hit, “Nakamarra” with the band. This song would go on to net them a Grammy nomination for best R&B performance, a first for any group from Australia. 

Most fans will be familiar with their 2015 album Choose Your Weapon but the truth is that Hiatus Kaiyote has never made so much as a single musical misstep. Get your tickets now to see this thrilling act when they swing by the Hollywood Bowl on 9/9.

Location: Hollywood Bowl

Address: 2301 N Highland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90068

Tickets available from $28

Drew Pitt: Senior Editor at Mxdwn.com and Graduate of Northern Arizona University Drew Pitt is a dedicated music journalist and multidisciplinary writer based in Los Angeles, California. Outside of mxdwn.com, Drew hosts the Apotheosis newsletter on Substack, where he curates the best metal of each week into a succinct list that highlights key releases, labels and merchandise in the metal subculture. The newsletter can be found at - https://apotheosis.substack.com/p/coming-soon His primary specialties are album and festival / concert coverage. His album reviews have garnered praise from a number of artists for their detail and accuracy. At live events he is able to leverage his knowledge as a Project Manager and Creative Director to comment on the music, performance, and event production with clarity and authority. Drew Pitt currently resides in Los Angeles, CA where he enjoys the lovely weather, and picturesque beaches, but most importantly the constant flow of live music that takes place every night of the week. Website: drewpitt.com Newsletter: https://apotheosis.substack.com/p/coming-soon Email: Andrewppitt@gmail.com Twitter: @drewpitt1
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