An adventurous dance album
Honduran American songwriter/vocalist, Lorely Rodriguez, released her third album I’m Your Empress Of, a work of funky dance tunes with almost seamless transitions of tracks.
With chill synths and upbeat drum machines, I’m Your Empress Of is set perfectly for the dancefloor of a dim-lit bedroom on a Friday night with a kickoff intro track “I’m Your Empress Of” to ease into a groovy dance session when “Bit Of Rain” hits with that bit of thunder. But stay aware in the thunderous tunes lest you find yourself unknowingly in the next track, “Void” with soft beats and extraneously high vocals.
Grab a partner for two minutes and forty seconds when “Love Is A Drug” drops with sly tones fit only for dancing. Combine this track with “U Give It Up” and you’ve got yourself a dope dance session with your bedroom dance partner for a solid six minutes and nine seconds of groovy one on one bopping.
With hard synth ramping and repetitive drum machines in the background “Give Me Another Chance” provides a soft chill intro into a hard head-bopping twirl and swirl rave.
Laying down slow vocals “What’s The Point” gives a chill laid back to take a drag and enjoy the sunset in your 2006 Honda Civic on your commute.
“Maybe This Time” makes for a feel-good dance experience with salsa-like synth tones and repetitive drumbeats to complete it for a good introduction to “Not The One.”
With slow narcotic vocals and fast-paced synths “Not The One” provides a quirky dance by yourself the experience with a seamless transition into the sleepy tunes of “Hold Me Like Water.” Lyrics like, “nothing’s sacred/ nothing’s holy/ nothing feels like when you hold me,” make for hard beating vocals alongside hard ramping synths to wrap Rodriguez’s album with warping synths, singing, “I’m taking two steps back every time.”
I’m Your Empress Of is an adventurous dance album with a collage of slow narcotic tunes to rave like synths that compel a listener to hit the lowly secure dancefloor of the bedroom.