Green Day Donates $2,000.00 to Cover Damages from Hardcore Punk Show at Orange County Dennys

Green Day stepped in to cover costs for damage done at an Orange County, Denny’s restaurant after a live, hard-core punk show from Wacko drove fans into a small dining room area where mosh pits and destruction abounded. If you are scratching your head wondering why the band would play at a Denny’s restaurant in the first place, you can rest assured that the band used a bit of ingenuity to draw a large number of fans to the establishment.

The mosh pit starts out pretty small and normal but eventually leads into an all out craze with way too many people in the dining room. While initial damages to the establishment were expected to range around $600.00, the final tally was closer to $1800.00. In an article from the PRP, “While Wacko launched an initial GoFundMe to help cover the costs, Bryson himself went on to launch a separate fundraiser. His own campaign managed to catch the eye of Green Day, who went on to donate $2,000.00 to the fund.” Between the two campaigns, nearly $4,700.00 has been raised to help the local Denny’s restaurant.

Both Del Valle and members of Wacko recently spoke with about the show, “All it took was some initiative,” the high school senior told Billboard, partially shocked by his own moxie and the lack of scrutiny from a Denny’s manager when Del Valle paid a $100.00 deposit to rent a room in the back of the Santa Ana restaurant for four hours on a Saturday night. (A Denny’s spokesperson told Billboard the manager assumed Del Valle was renting the space for a meal “which is the room’s intended purpose”).

By the time the show started, the ballroom was way beyond the 50-person capacity. One of the band members’ dad’s introduced the group, telling the audience, “I came for the senior citizens special. And they tell me the special tonight is Wacko.” A representative from Denny’s shared the following statement, “Denny’s is a family-friendly restaurant and while we do have banquet space available at some restaurants, we do not allow events that can disrupt the dining experience of our guests. The manager was unaware a concert was planned, and the event organizers have been asked to pay for damages.”

“The pit was going hard the whole show and now it was going super hard,” Del Valle explains, saying at this point the manager insisted everyone leave. “She was super nice the whole time, though.” Del Valle adds.

Kelly Tucker: Originally from Los Angeles, I grew up listening to all types of music. My first concert was Aerosmith with Skid Row, then moved on to concerts with Metallica, Lollapalooza, Guns N’ Roses, Soundgarden and more. One of my favorite shows of all time was when I was in college and someone took me to see the Allman Brothers play. I also scalped a ticket to see Pearl Jam and the amazing Eddie Vedder sing his heart out. My professional career started in 2000 at Nielsen Business Media where I was an assistant in a sales department and later got promoted to advertising account executive. When the recession hit in 2008 and the magazine was sold, I took a job at a call center and later got promoted to assistant to the CEO and COO of a global company. In 2017, I took a position at a pharmaceutical agency, and now currently responsible for coordinating meeting logistics for physicians and pharma reps throughout the United States. In my spare time, I work at Peace4Kids a non-profit in South Los Angeles and write screenplays in hopes to make a breakthrough.
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