Director and actress Kansas Bowling, most notably known for her role as director in the 2016 film B.C. Butcher as well as playing the crazed Charles Manson follower Sandra “Blue” Good in the 2019 Quentin Tarantino film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, has just filed a small claims lawsuit on lo-fi rock artist Ariel Pink. Bowling claims that Pink hired her to film a concert video over the course of four shows, and once the small tour was finished Pink refused to pay her. According to the small claims action filed on October 18th, Ariel Pink owed Kansas Bowling more than $1,500 which Bowling claims was already a discounted rate. In that same small claims action, Bowling went on to say, “I was hired by Ariel to go on tour with him to film his shows, and when we got back, he said he didn’t want the video anymore, therefore he didn’t have to pay me.”
When Bowling was asked about the situation she had this to say to Pitchfork, “All I’m asking for is the amount promised to me for a job I already did. I went on tour with him and filmed four shows…. I have to take him to small claims for this lousy, already-discounted rate I gave him so I can eat and pay my rent!” According to the LA country records, Ariel Pink was served his papers to appear in a non-jury trial. The case is currently scheduled for January 3, 2020. When asked about the allegations against their client Pink’s attorney had this to say, “Ariel gave her permission to film some of his shows and told her if the finished product was really good, the label might be interested. To date, she hasn’t even had the film developed.”
Other than the allegations over the denial of paying his hired director, 2019 has been an eventful year for the multi-instrumentalist Ariel Pink. Earlier in the year he announced, Pink Stuff, a collaboration project with Royal Trux. The project was released on September 6th and featured five Royal Trux tracks from his critically acclaimed album, White Stuff.
Photo Credit: Raymond Flotat