Morrissey & Interpol @ Hollywood Bowl 10/26

Certain stars demand that you have an opinion on them, they’re simply impossible to ignore. Morrissey is very much one of these stars. As of late he’s borne the brunt of many a concert attendee’s frustrations as he routinely refuses to perform at any festival where they serve meat, forcing fans to be vegetarians for the day. Given, this isn’t a horrible thing, and only lately has it become an issue with him cancelling shows at various locations due to their unwillingness to follow his strict dietary rules. But it’s hard to deny that it’s not worth the hassle to see him, because at the end of the day, I mean, the guy is f**king Morrissey!

A little background, Morrissey is the former frontman of The Smiths, a legendary British rock band that revolutionized indie rock and alternative and may have just made emo a thing somewhere along the way. Sure they were contemporaries with other excellent bands like the Cure, but The Smiths were popular like almost nothing before them. If you’re in your twenties ask your mom how much she loved The Smiths, if she says she wasn’t a fan, ask her why she thinks The Cure were better. But in all honesty The Smiths were one of the most influential and popular bands of the era, they enjoyed a confluence of commercial and critical success that is rarely seen and only gifted to bands that will go on to be considered legends, as The Smiths now are. To get a sense of how good they were if you’ve somehow gone your whole life without heard a Smiths song, check out the video below

To make the show even better, Interpol is the opener. Yes, that Interpol, the one fully capable of selling out an arena just about anywhere that you can gather between ten and twenty thousand hipsters. Interpol recently released their first album in four years with 2018’s Marauder which garnered critical acclaim and was widely seen as one of the best releases of the year. 

Both performers are known for putting on a great show, Morrissey especially so. Add to that the fact that the show is at the Hollywood Bowl, a location that always delivers from both technical and spectacle angles, and you’ve got a strong argument that this could be one of the best shows in LA this year. If I were you, I wouldn’t risk not being there. 

Location: The Hollywood Bowl

Address: 2301 N Highland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90068

Tickets available starting at 39.50

Drew Pitt: Senior Editor at and Graduate of Northern Arizona University Drew Pitt is a dedicated music journalist and multidisciplinary writer based in Los Angeles, California. Outside of, Drew hosts the Apotheosis newsletter on Substack, where he curates the best metal of each week into a succinct list that highlights key releases, labels and merchandise in the metal subculture. The newsletter can be found at - His primary specialties are album and festival / concert coverage. His album reviews have garnered praise from a number of artists for their detail and accuracy. At live events he is able to leverage his knowledge as a Project Manager and Creative Director to comment on the music, performance, and event production with clarity and authority. Drew Pitt currently resides in Los Angeles, CA where he enjoys the lovely weather, and picturesque beaches, but most importantly the constant flow of live music that takes place every night of the week. Website: Newsletter: Email: Twitter: @drewpitt1
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