Brothers ray and Dave Davies of The Kinks have recently revealed their plans to work on brand new music for the group. The two have been putting time in at the studio with the band’s original drummer, Mick Avory. The three have reportedly been spending time going over old material and seeing what they want to remaster and re-record. This news comes off of the back of an interview Ray Davies gave with Rolling Stone the other day where he discussed what he has been up to lately. Davies also commented on the group looking into making brand new material, saying that they have been reviewing old recordings to discover what worked and what didn’t and figuring out how they wanted to move forward.
The Kinks have been teasing a reunion since last year, when Ray Davies first hinted at working on new material with his brother in an interview. The reunion comes just in time for the 50th anniversary of the group’s album Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire), which is one of the band’s most famous projects. The group has currently not released any studio albums at all since the 1990s, which would mean a new album would be the first from the band in nearly 30 years.
While this is confirmation of new music to come, The Kinks still aren’t ready to release this new music quite yet. The group has been dealing with a lot of issues surrounding recording new music, with one of the main problems being the rocky relationship between Avory and Ray Davies. The two have been working out their differences, however, and making it work to create new material. One of the other issues with a reunion of The Kinks is the fact that both of the group’s former bassists have passed away. Pete Quaife, the group’s original bassist, died in 2010, while the group’s second bassist just died last year. Hopefully the group will be able to find a replacement soon so they can fully record and perform both their new and old music.