Since its beginnings back in 2001, iTunes revolutionized how the world listens and purchases music. However, as streaming and subscription services like Spotify have taken over music purchasing and listening experiences, Apple has decided to move on from its iTunes days. The company announced that iTunes is breaking up into three new apps: Music, TV, and Podcasts. However, iTunes will continue as a standalone app on iOS and on Windows PC.
Although it looks as though iTunes is on the way out, Apple stated that through the Music app people will still be able to purchase music through the iTunes Store. People who used iTunes as a means to sync their devices will also have the option to instead use a new tool found under Finder. And notably, iTunes gift cards will continue to be active despite the major change.
The new apps, for the most part, are self explanatory. The Apple Music app allows subscribers to listen to music and will generate recommendations that are personalized to each listener. The Podcasts app provides a space for everything podcasts and lets people explore new podcasts with the aid of machine learning. The TV app has various programs from stations like HBO and Showtime along with original content.
The shift from iTunes to Music, TV, and Podcasts is not shocking to many as Apple has solidified its new Apple Music subscription service. The subscription service has been so successful that it actually surpassed Spotify, the previous leading music subscription service, in paid subscribers. For those who are worried that their purchases and libraries on iTunes will disappear as Apple continues with the break up, there’s no need. A spokesperson told CNN Business that past purchases and libraries will be placed within each new app on Mac computers.
Though iTunes isn’t completely phased out, Apple is moving forward in order to adapt to trends towards subscription services. As they slowly make the transition, Apple seems to be dedicated to making the change as easy for users as possible.