Though it has been awhile sing the Swedish punk rock band Refused has released any new music, they have been playing a brand new unreleased song titled “Blood Red” at various concerts in the U.S. The group has been on tour with another Swedish punk band The Hives and performed “Blood Red” while on tour with them. Refused has announced that they want to release a brand new album this year and many expect that “Blood Red” will be on the new album.
Some fans of Refused have taken videos of the group playing their newest song. Check out the footage below:
In the videos, it’s easy to tell with Refused’s high energy performance that they’re exciting about their new work. The lead singer Dennis Lyxzén has a vibrant stage presence as he jumps around and screams out the lyrics to “Blood Red.” The lighting adds to this excitement as they dramatically flash off and on during the performance. At various points strobe lights amp up the audience during the most intense parts of the song. The bassist, drummer, and guitarist seem just as excited as Lyxzén as they move in and out of time changes. The performance reaches a climax at the end when a final guitar chord rings out and Lyxzén ends the song on his knees.
Refused has been around since they formed back in 1991 and have been integral in shaping the Swedish punk rock scene. They’ve released multiple EPs and four studio albums including This Just Might Be… The Truth (1994), Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent (1996), The Shape of Punk to Come: A Chimerical Bombination in 12 Bursts (1998), and Freedom (2015). The group has been vocal about their liberal political beliefs and lyrically their songs are very forward. The group is currently on tour and has announced plans for a new album this year.
Photo Credits: Owen Ela