The enigmatic Anika will be gracing Austinites’ ears this Friday, May 31 at Mohawk. Anika’s self-titled debut album was recorded live and with great haste, capturing the authentic realism of her music. Anika’s performance spouts minimalist vocals to soothe listeners’ souls and a beat driven noir that radiates post-punk’s spindly vitality and the minimal wave’s coarse rhythms.
Anika will be accompanied by Austin based artist and rising star, Christelle Bofale, whose vocals are soothing enough to rock listener’s into a blissful slumber – if only they had the willpower to peel their ears away. Mixed with her vocals and flowing guitar, she creates a sound that moves in unison and with great ease.
Tickets are being sold for $12 and can be purchased here. The show welcomes all 18+ and will open its doors at 9pm.