Global warming and climate change have been on the mind of many lately including artists like Lil Dicky. Lil Dicky is a rapper and comedian who just released a new single, “Earth” that talks about the environmental issues. The song and video confront issues that are currently harming our planet and promotes environmental activism. The new single features Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Snoop Dogg, Kevin Hart, and even Leonardo DiCaprio. The video opens with a kid opening a book that he found from the litter on the ground. The book opens onto man traveling the entirety of the planet, showing how beautiful the Earth really is. It’s a brilliant creative collaboration that will make people want to create world change.
He makes it clear that no matter who you are, we all live on one planet and we must all learn to care for it. It is a cheerful song with a beautiful melody and enchanting harmonies The song also has incredibly funny lyrics making the listener really pay attention to the message and they are also very really catchy making you want to see along. It sounds like an adult version of a song from the Disney’s Lion King. It also ends with Lil Dicky asking listener’s if they want to help change the world and to go to a website to see how one can help.
The website “We Love the Earth” is an interactive platform created by Lil Dicky and RYOT sharing the harsh realities of climate change and the current state of the planet. The song is in collaboration with the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF) and some of the profits from the song and video will go to LDF. The foundation helps to create renewable energy, protects wildlife and helps to create sustainable food sources. LDF currently grants funds to over 60 countries for innovative sustainability projects.